Running Your Club Cúl Camp
If you plan to run a Cúl camp this year in your club, the information below will help you run a successful camp.
Picking Your Dates
An email will be sent to the club secretary in January asking clubs to submit an expression of interest to run a camp. The form will ask for details about the coordinator, and a preference list of dates the club would like to run the camp on. There is a cap of 6 Cúl Camps per week in the summer, and dates will be given on a first come first served basis.
General Camp Information
- All camps are online-only. No Walk-ins are allowed on the day of the camp
- The adult:child ratio for the camps is 1:10
- An adult can be categorised into two categories- a coach or a supervisor (excludes camp coordinators)
- Coaches must be 18+ have a minimum foundation Gaelic Games coaching qualification, Access NI and Safeguarding.
- Supervisors must be 18+ and have Access NI and Safeguarding
- in an example of 100 kids, with 5 groups of 20 children- there must be 2 adults with each group- one of which must be a coach, the other can be a supervisor.
- Camp Assistants are 16 & 17 year olds who would like to assist at camps. They must have Safeguarding and Access NI. They do not count toward the adult:child ratio and we unfortunately do not pay the club any money to recruit Camp Assistants
Coach Education/Safeguarding
Information will be displayed here on the Coach Education opportunities for clubs to get their coaches accredited before the camp.
Cúl Camp ID Form
All workers, assistants and volunteers at the camp are required to complete a safety check via the National Database to ensure everyone is fully vetted in adherence with GAA Policy.
When available, an online form will appear here for all involved to complete so that Croke Park can validate details.
Payment of Adults at Camps
The rate of pay for Cúl Camps in Antrim depends on the role a person take on at camps. Camp Coordinators receive £250 and Camp Coaches/Supervisors receive £150. Camp assistants are voluntary and do not get paid to work at Cúl Camps. The amount of adults a club can be paid for at their camp will depend on the amount of children booked on the camp e.g. if St Galls Cúl Camp has 100 children, then the adult:child ratio entitles them to pay 10 adults. The club can invoice Antrim GAA, via the county Cúl Camps coordinator, for the total amount they are entitled to so they can pay their workers.
Club Planning Documentation
In the event a personal injury claim were to arise following an incident at a camp, Insurers will not confirm indemnity unless you can demonstrate that the camp upheld it’s legal duty of care and took all reasonable precautions to run a safe event including completion of the camp planning document.
Please see the process outlined below:
Step 1: Club secretary completes attached Camp Planning Checklist and saves to their device
Step 2: Club secretary completes Microsoft camp planning form – this includes uploading saved Camp Planning Checklist PDF and submit
Step 3: Upon review by county games manager club secretary will receive notification from, if application is approved / rejected* with Microsoft Camp Personnel Information form included
Step 4: Club secretary completes camp planning coach’s information and saves to their device
Step 5: Club secretary completes Microsoft Camp Personnel Information form (when known) upload Camp planning Coaches information PDF and submit* If rejected an email is sent to the club secretary who filled out the form notifying them of rejection and to resubmit - the club should seek a meeting to discuss possible solutions with county games manager.
Using the Online Platform as a Coordinator

- Once confirmed as coordinator you will be furnished with a username and password. If this is something you don't have or cant get online, please let me know ASAP.
- To log in click on:
- From here you can click into your assigned camp and see those who have booked on, those with any specific needs such as physical, dietary etc.
- When you click into your assigned camp you can "Download CSV" and get an excel file with all your attendees on it. You can then divide groups, print the forms and use for roll call.
- On the right-hand-side you will see options such as "Email All Parents" etc. This will allow you to correspond with all parents before and during the camp regarding traffic arrangements, dietary information (possible "nut-free" camps), and any other information you would like parents to know.
- I would ask you not to use the "Start a cash booking" "Bulk Walk Ins" and "order Kits" buttons as these are not operational.
- You can also "report an incident" online using the buttons on the right-hand side, It is important to take note of any incidents (which you can do on your phone there and then via this app or later on the computer) in the event of any claims.
Parents Seeking Refunds or Kit Changes
- Parents can apply for kit size changes on: https://www.kelloggsculcamps.g..
- Parents can apply for a refund on:
- I have shared the conditions currently set on the GAA website for your information: